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Boudoir Album Templates Available Again!!!

By October 8, 2009Personal

Sorry it took us a while to get these up and running folks. It seemed that the download was just too huge for our So from now on, even though you will buy them from the shop, we will be emailing you the templates via a program called “You Send It” which is well equipped to handle gargantuan downloads. You can still buy the templates on or call our studio to pay over the phone, 858-485-0443, and within 2-3 business days we will email you the templates. I know some of you who purchased the templates in the past had some funky errors so please email us your reciept and we will shoot you a fresh batch.

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The Tres Tres Chic Templates are boudoir photography templates for boudoir albums. They are perfect for KISS Books or other 8×8 photography albums. The Boudoir Divas use these templates to create the 25+ 8×8 boudoir albums that they sell every month. Enjoy!

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