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My perfect, forced day off

By March 7, 2012Personal

“I don’t know what I would do with a whole day off.”

This was my response to Marissa when she told me that I should take a recent Friday off and not work. In the weeks leading up to WPPI, we had been slightly overwhelmed with to-do lists, projects, re-writing our Workshop in a Book, prepping for our platform program, and on and on and on. Marissa’s response to me when I said I didn’t know what I’d do with a day off? “Kimee, that’s just sad… are we really so consumed with work that we can’t think of what we would DO with a day off?” And you know what? She is so right! Have you ever felt so consumed with projects and to-do lists that when things stop for a second, you feel the need to start up again, rather than just taking a moment to pause and enjoy a little peace?

So, Marissa forced me to take a day off. The first thing I did: I wrote my perfect day-off ‘wish list.’ Then, I did everything on this list. And it was wonderful.

As you know, Marissa & I like to “M.S.H.” We TACKLE our to-do lists with a vengeance. We are constantly on the move, in the mix, working on things & starting new projects. We don’t just sit around hoping and dreaming that we will reach our dreams; we make stuff happen. At the same time, though, we need to constantly remind ourselves that REST is extremely important! On the weekends, we actually don’t check our email. We do our best to have normal, restful, relaxing weekends, and to keep our work life separate from our PERSONAL lives. Otherwise, what’s the point? If we are running ourselves into the ground, never able to slow down and enjoy our loved ones… I don’t know about you, but that’s not how I want to live my life. We have worked hard, and set-up our business in order to create FREEDOM in our lives to enjoy the people & things that mean the most to us. We can’t stress this enough. We really encourage you all to work and to fight hard to create this freedom, and focus time on things that are important to you.

So, what would you do if you had an entire day OFF? No work, no emails, no photo shoots, no projects. What would you do with your day? Make a list. And then – FORCE yourself to take a day off. I have decided that I’m going to make this a regular activity for myself. Every month, I’m going to create a ‘wish list’ of all the great things I could do with a day off. And then I’m going to take a day off. Anyone out there want to join me in this?

Enjoy your day off!
Peace & Rest, Kimberlee


  • Abby Grace says:

    You know what I’d really like to do? I’d really like to decorate our apartment. We’ve been in this particular 2 BR for two months now and I STILL don’t have my office put together. So if I had a day off, I’d start with some blueberry pancakes for me and the hubs, followed by a day or organizing and decorating, wrapping everything up with a movie night and heavily buttered popcorn.

  • If this day off were just for me, I would love to wake up in the morning and have a nice breakfast (pancakes, eggs and bacon sound good), go get a massage or mani/pedi, go shopping, and catch a movie. If the day off involved my husband and kids, I’d love to go out for breakfast in the morning (it’d be my day off, why would I want to cook? :)) Then I’d love if we went on a road trip, possibly Monterey to visit the aquarium because my kids haven’t been there yet. This is getting to be too much fun! I’ll have to take one of these days off soon! 🙂

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