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Paris Part 1 + a no-Paris-workshop explanation

I still am in awe that we were asked to travel to one of our favorite places ever, Paris (well Tours which is very close to Paris) to speak. Sometimes God gives you such a special little nugget of love, that you know without a doubt it is a gift from Him. And so that’s how it went, we went to Paris to speak and to do shoots.

Now I know that in the past we always did workshops in Paris AND we ADORED doing these. They were so fun for everyone involved. But last year we had a bit of an awakening. There are just SO many darn details and logistics that go into the planning for our Paris workshops. In planning these workshops it is always so difficult to find a conference hall, or hotel, or large apartment that was even remotely reasonable for what we needed… not to mention, most of these large places cost so much that our poor attendees would end up having to pay well over $3000 to make it possible. So this year when K and I started the search again, we just couldn’t quite find a place that was “legit” and Paris-authentic AND affordable for our workshop attendees. One where we could break even or at least not be too far in the negative after the workshop, a win/win considering we just want to shoot and talk about our passion in Paris. Alas, our searched proved unfruitful. And to K and my despair it looked like we weren’t going to Paris.

Epically disappointed, we let go.

But when God plants a dream in your heart he can surprise you with his faithfulness…… we got an email…..GNPP was inviting us to speak in Paris at a convention! WOW!  We went bonkers texting each other back and forth. “Can you believe it!?” “The timing.” “What a gift.” “And we still get to talk about boudoir!”
Okay, so this didn’t mean that we were not truly saddened by the fact that our Paris workshop wasn’t in the making. We loved the close community of a workshop. But come on, this was a gift and we were THRILLED!
So we thought we should be open and explain; that while we were so sad, we were also given another chance. And it looks as though the GNPP is considering creating a Boudoir Divas workshop for us in France soon/next year(?). Ah! Ecstatic relief. And maybe for you too if you were hoping to study boudoir in the land of boodwaaaaah.

So thanks for reading through our explanation of why things have changed, as my friend Leah says so often “you win some, you lose some.” In this case I think we… uh… well, we lost some and then we won some. But we came out very grateful. Here is a little more about the first leg of our trip.

We arrived in Paris (M, K and Erin Ashley Greene),we  fought off jet lag with on and off enthusiasm…

paris eiffel tower boudoir divas

natalie portmain dior paris

paris dior natalie portman sofia coppola

Stopped in front of Pritemepts, mesmerized by the Natalie Portman/Sophia Coppola display for Dior.

Then took the TGV to Tours, about 3.5 hours by car, one hours by a freakshow TGV fast train. We did our typical tourist thing and smelled the roses and made many friends along the way.


boudoir divas travel paris tours workshop france

gnpp france photographers france

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