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Boudoir Divas Product Testimonial

By Boudoir Tips, WorkshopsNo Comments

Got the SWEETEST email last week, and it just made my day!!!! Here it is…

“I wanted to say a big THANK YOU for everything you two are doing for the photography industry. I had no intention of offering this line of imagery prior to going to WPPI last year. I bought your entire package and let me just tell you that it was worth every penny! I am the first in my area to offer “Little Black Book” sessions. I had my first pilot run on Tues. and it was AMAZING! My goal to have women feel empowered, sexy and beautiful was received beyond my wildest expectations. I have no idea why I waited so long to try this. Anyhoo! Enough babbling… THANKS!” Sincerely, Nissa Olson, Ideal Photography

Thanks so much, Nissa, for sharing about your experience & how you’ve been able to use our Divalicious products to push your boudoir business to the next level! If you’re interested in checking out all of the boudoir photography products we have available for professional photographers, check out the Boudoir Shop! If you’ve been thinking about purchasing The Posebook, The Workshop Book, or the ever-fabulous The Digital Bundle, you won’t want to miss out on our HUGE SALE that is going to start tomorrow! Details will be shared in a newsletter coming tomorrow (Friday), so be sure you’re signed up for our Boudoir Divas newsletter list to get all the juicy details!!!

Also, if you’d like to get hands-on experience and learn absolutely EVERYTHING we could possibly share with you about boudoir, come to our next workshop! (as of right now we only have 3 spots left for FEB!!!!) Click here to see a video recap of a past workshop, and click here to hear us talking about our boudoir workshops in general!

PS: Photographers who have purchased any of the above… we would LOVE it if you could leave a comment below & let us know what you liked about that particular product!

Our workshop attendees ROCK

By Personal, Workshops3 Comments

Everyone loves getting presents or little surprises in the mail (and if you say you don’t, we say liar! 😉 ). But seriously,  technology these days has led to most people communicating via text, facebook (check out our page for clients! haha), blogs, etc.  So when we get a real package in the mail, it is always exciting!  And that exact thing happened last week when one of our October attendees, Jen, sent us an adorable care package/thank you note to our studio.  Check out the picture below to see what she included, but I am OBSESSED with this necklace!  We are trying to get her to tell us where she got it so our whole team can each have one. 🙂  And those cute little corsets are filled with a delicious smelling potpourri (which we currently have hanging in our Studio Dressing Room).

Here’s the beautiful Jen (below). Go check out her site too: Jenerations Photography.  Jen, thanks so much for taking the time to send us that gift and we hope you enjoyed our Workshop!!

Photos with sex appeal; as old as the camera….

By Boudoir Photo Shoots, Boudoir Tips2 Comments

… photos with sex appeal for the every day woman; boudoir! These sexy shots of Blake Lively are gorgeous. And a sexy gorgeous photos will never go out of style. I adore how even a simple, sexy black dress can be as hot as lingerie. We always suggest our clients get at least four “Productions.” That way she can have a ton of variety of herself in lingerie and then still have one set in a dress to show to friends and fam or even Facebook.

Blake Lively UK Marie Claire October 2010

Images from Marie Claire. Content from a lovely blog:

February Workshop | Deets & a couple spots left!

By Boudoir Tips, Workshops3 Comments

Happy Thursday everyone! Riss and Kimee are busy filming our new LIGHTING DVD, so I thought I’d take a moment to pass along some more information on our next scheduled workshop. 🙂 It will be held February 1-3, 2011 at our beautiful 4,500 square foot studio in San Diego! For those of you who were wondering or emailing about any international workshops next year, unfortunately, we will NOT be traveling for a destination workshop in 2011. We are bummed as well, but the cost for all you would have been too high and we would rather you be able to spend your money on equipment for your studio! On the plus side, there is a huge advantage to coming to our studio for the workshop, and that is being able to see our WHOLE studio, use OUR equipment and our sets and really get the full experience on how we run our studio.

Below is a general time line on how the workshop will run, including some NEW additions to our Workshop!

Want to hear what past attendees are saying?  Here’s a testimonial from Anita, who joined us at our most recent workshop:

“I am SO glad I attend the San Diego workshop as I not only had a great time and took some phenomenal pictures for my portfolio, but I learned so much about how to launch a boudoir photography business.  As a new boudoir photographer, it was priceless to learn the tips, tricks, secrets, and basics of launching my business the right way from the original Divas!  I told my husband everything we did and he nailed it – “you went to school!”.  I don’t remember school being this fun!  If I did, I would have paid more attention!  Thanks Diva Team!”

Anita Lubke
Studio Boudoir Photography

You can see more testimonials from attendees by clicking HERE

If you are ready to take your business to the next level, launch your own studio, or revamp your current business plan, then go to our BOUDOIR SHOP to sign up today!  We only have 5 spots left!  If you have any questions about the workshop, you can email me at [email protected] or give me a call in the studio at 858.485.0443.  We look forward to another successful workshop and meeting all you wonderful attendees!



Let’s get together, yeah yeah yeah…..

By Boudoir International2 Comments

We are thrilled to announce that we met our goal!!! It took a bit of time but after diligently giving $5 from each shoot, we can say made our goal for the World Vision’s Girls in Crisis Fund. See our fundraising page.

Kimberlee and I love the idea of rallying our boudoir friends and all striving toward a BIG goal together. What if instead of us just starting another goal on our own, what if we all came together toward one BIG goal donating $5 per boudoir shoot toward helping other hopeful entrepreneurial women in Malawi, Africa? Together we could make a HUGE impact on the lives of women who want to do just what we do; provide for themselves and their family through their own business, their own vision and dream. When jobs are scarce it is the entrepreneurial spirit that can lift a community out of poverty. To learn even more please visit our blog post on Boudoir International where we really go into detail.

To learn more about micro finance you can visit Opportunity International or visit our blog post on Bou Int. In a nutshell, Micro-Finance is a hand UP not a hand OUT. Hopeful entrepreneurs are given small loans they would normally never be able to obtain because of their financial condition. They are required to pay back these loans with interest and the wonderful cycle continues with the money then given to another want-to-be business owner. Families are provided for, jobs are created, and the awful
cycle of poverty is dealt with in a real way.

If you want to join this fight please email us at [email protected] and we will add you to the list of our team on Bou Int!

Also, every time you give on the fundraiser site you will have the opportunity to say who you are, add a photo and say why you are doing this.
It may take us a while but we KNOW that this completely possible and will be a joy to work with all of you to make such an impact.

Blessings & xoxo- M&K

Oh PS…..and to motivate us to join together for this cause…. I just have to leave you with one of my personal fave childhood songs….

Boudoir Lighting & Shooting DVD

By Boudoir Tips2 Comments

Announcement: it’s coming soon! We’re shooting TODAY for this baby!!!!!! Woo-hoo! We’ve got our first client/model in hair & makeup… the next client/model just arrived, and now we’re waiting for our video filming team to arrive. We’ve had this project in the works for a long time now, and we just can’t wait to get it out there and available to all of you!

We are so stinking excited about this project, you guys. Hoping that the Boudoir Lighting & Shooting DVD will be available for you to pre-order in time for the holidays (so start dropping hints to Santa, heehee!) We’ll keep you updated as things continue… but we just wanted to let you know that it’s coming soon!!! YAY!

Miss Rumphius is still inspiring me…

By Personal3 Comments

Somedays you just need something to take you back to the “you” you are on your very best days. I don’t know if it was the weather, the huge scary task at hand, that time of the month, the personal bummer of news I recently received or all of it combined, but I was having one of those days. And then I spread my ickiness to my poor biz partner K. I let my big mouth and nerves about our new project get to me. It was official, I was in the dumps. Or as my favorite movie character, Anne Shirley, over-dramatically says, “I was in the depths of despair.” It passed luckily, but today I had to revisit something that inspired me growing up. That reminded me of the way my heart soars on my best days. The way my heart was as a worry free, dreaming kiddo. The heart that I can access on my very best moments.  So enter….Miss Rumphius! A childhood book of mine. Even the smell reminds me of the joy this story brought me, well still brings me. I wanted to be Miss Rumphius!

It’s the story of a young girl who learns some important life lessons from her grandfather. This girl, Alice worked in her gramp’s shop, an immigrant who came to America as a young man and found work as a wood carver and artist. As Alice worked along with him in his shop, he constantly reminded her of her mission— to add beauty to the world.

As Alice grew, she traveled near and far, witnessing beauty of all kinds. As an adult, she still had not found that one thing that would be her own contribution to beautifying the world. Finally, as an old woman, Alice’s mission came to her. The end of the story is a delightful surprise. It calms the heart.

This reminds me of one of my favorite passages in the bible, “Let the beauty of the Lord establish the work of your hands,” Psalm 90:17. What I love about this story is that that “surprise” at the end relaxes my soul, makes me realize it is okay to slow down, that God will use me in His own way and I don’t have to make myself crazy trying to figure out what that one thing is. I can just love Him, myself and others, and maybe that alone is just plenty. He will do the rest.

I didn’t mean to get so cheezy on you all. Really this blog is just as much for me as for all of you. But if anyone else out there is feeling a like I did yesterday…. deep breaths, quiet your heart and know that you just as you are enough to make the creator of the universe happy. So…. just be.  Blessings – Riss

Wishing you the very best….

By PersonalNo Comments

We just concluded a fantastic workshop. Honestly the three days flew by faster than a blink of an eye, what a whirlwind of fun instruction and information. Sometimes I still can’t believe people fly in to learn from our studio, it feels like the biggest honor and tremendous blessing to share what we have accomplished with others. I just wanted to wish all of our attendees safe travels home and the very best for your boudoir business. I saw so much passion and love for photography and business in general that I know all of you will be at your goals quicker than you ever imagined. We would love it if you all stayed in touch on the forum so we can check in and chat.

xoxo- Marissa & Kimberleee (and the rest of the Divas here at the studio)