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Day one Paris photos

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Before all the volcanic ash debacle, we had one very relaxed, very fun day in Paris. Moms in tow we visited our most loved Paris spot, Versailles. Where else could you find such incredible boudoir inspiration than from the boudoir of Marie Antoinette? I am sure you saw the video, but I wanted to finally post some images from that day.

The following evening was Carol’s (K’s mama) b-day. We celebrated at a restaurant we loved last year (suggested by Crystal’s friends).

Yes, I know pretty pathetic…

By Personal, WorkshopsOne Comment

So almost two weeks in Paris and this is what we are uploading?! Really? We have taken tons and tons of fab pics, both boudoir and travel, well we think they are fab anyway, and this really is all we have time to upload. Why you might ask?! Because we are having so much dang fun! Last night we went to the top of the sparkling Eiffel Tower and saw the city of light at midnight. Then we went to a cafe for wine at dessert with our parents at gasp…. 2am! Go Mom and Dad! We have been to said cafe Scossa so much that the waiters know us now. It is located in Tracadero, the 16th Arr and has the best escargo, gazpacho and chicken in town. Delicious! I think we will take our 2nd workshop attendees there for dinner as well. paris_2010_02161
Yes, three professional photographers here. Apparently our point and shoot camera photos look the same as everyone else’s. Wow.

There really are no words for the atrocious tourist spectacle above. I’m just sorry that it happened. xoxo- M

(One of these days I’ll get up early and post the fun photos of our amazing 1st Paris Workshop attendees. But France hasn’t definitely not helped me in the move faster, quicker, better department. Everyone here is so kicked back and it seems no one is eager to start the day early. So why should rock the wonderful relaxed french boat, right?)

Workshop Teasers

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Hey everyone! Kimberlee here… about to head out the door in about 5 minutes to do our shooting on the streets of PARIS! We have the most AMAZING outfits on our models right now – SO excited to let our workshop attendees shoot this morning. Although things have been a little out of the ordinary (ie, the unexpected volcano)… we’ve had a wonderful workshop here with some wonderful photographers who have now become our new friends! (Also – thanks so much to our fab models – you ladies ROCKED it!)
(MORE photos to come soon from our Paris boudoir workshop… and from today’s Paris fashion photo shoot with the Arc du Triomphe in the background!)

Boudoir Photography Workshop {paris prep!}

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So I’m sitting here in our GORGEOUS “Diva flat” here in Paris, France… the soft morning light is peeking through the window at my right, and as I glance down, I see these cute little yellow flowers in the pot on the windowsill. I LOVE this city! Down below the window, there’s a cute cobblestone courtyard with lush green trees (where we will just HAVE to shoot later this week with one of our models!) Marissa is currently walking to our front door to let in a few of our models, and as I’m eating my delicious chocolate croissant, I figured I’d write a quick little blog post to update all of you. Today is our day of SHOOTING – which is always just so much fun. A day full of high-energy, with lots of activity, as our workshop attendees have a chance to work with 3 beautiful models here in our awesome Parisian apartment! We’ve been prepping for this workshop for about 9 months, and the day of shooting is always just so much fun! M & I love this day, and we LOVE figuring out all of the styling for our models! We’ve been planning their outfits for a while, and this little video just shows a short 30-second clip of all of us from last week, when we were packing and getting all of the outfits figured out:

This week has been a wild ride, with a lot of unexpected turns along the way. If you’ve been following the blog or the news, you’ll know that there’s been an UNPRECEDENTED shut-down of air traffic coming to Europe… which has resulted in a bit of a nightmare for us here, logistically. Our wonderful assistant Ashley is stuck in San Diego… our gorgeous models are all stuck in California… along with ALL of our workshop attendees from the US! 🙁 So so sad! We went from 14 workshop attendees down to just 5 who were able to make it out here for this week. It’s a definite bummer, and we’re SO VERY SORRY for all of you photographers who were supposed to come but just couldn’t make it. I know that you all are extremely disappointed, and we want you to know that we’re going to miss you! With that said, we’re very happy to be here, and we’re thankful that the handful of five photogs were able to get here! And so… the show must go on. 🙂 We’ve been able to find 3 models here in Paris, and as of right now, the workshop will be starting in about 15 minutes! It’s going to be an amazing week, and we’re looking forward to a small, intimate workshop of 5 fab attendees. We’ll be posting more videos and updates soon, so be sure to check back! xoxo, Kimberlee

Models needed THIS WEEK IN PARIS! 🙂

By Personal7 Comments

Hey everyone! We’re SUPER excited about our workshop, cannot WAIT for it to start tomorrow night. It’s going to be an awesome week, we can’t wait to meet everyone and have an awesome time! Just one little ‘glitch’ in the plans… this crazy volcano, haha! So we’d love it if you could help us, we’re in need of one or two models for this week (email us for details on pay, etc). We’ll be ok with a model that we’ve already got lined up, but would just love to have one more, so if you know anyone please get in touch with us. Yay Paris! We love this city – about to take a walk around the block to get some delish Creme Brulee! 🙂 Email for details on pay, etc. THANK YOU! xoxo, The Divas

***EDIT TO ADD: We’ve got some great models, all confirmed for the workshop now. Thank you so much to all of you who responded! We are SO bummed that our gorgeous models aren’t able to make it here (Sarah, Ali, and Jos… we’ll miss you gals… sorry your flights weren’t able to get here!) But we’re excited about the models we’ve got lined up. Yay! Thanks everyone!

Where are our moms???

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Seriously… where are they? We just got back to the apartment, and they’re MIA… Watch the video below to hear more…

Workshop attendees: we’re SO excited about this week; can’t wait to see you all tomorrow night for a glass of wine at our little welcome reception! (Your hubby or significant other is welcome to join you for this!)

Important update for our Paris boudoir workshop attendees…

By PersonalOne Comment

***THE PARIS BOUDOIR WORKSHOP IS STILL ON!!!! Everything will proceed as planned!!!!!!! Just wanted to send a quick note to our fab Paris workshop attendees…

Hi Paris gals!
First of all, would you ever have dreamed that a VOLCANO would interrupt our plans for the Paris workshop!? This is so crazy! I’m so sorry for all of the stress that this may be causing to all of you; believe me, we are completely stressed about it too! We know that a lot of your travel plans have changed, so we’re just making sure that we’re informed about all of your travel plans so we know how to proceed with our plans here. 🙂 We’re trying to make the most of our time here but we’re also really worried about everyone getting over here. So with that said, we need you to check your email!!! We will be sending out a very important email w/ details for you all, as far as arrival times, the codes to get into our flat, etc. 🙂

THANKS everyone – hope to see ALL of you in just a few days!

Kimberlee & Marissa

Kimberlee West & Marissa Boucher
The Boudoir Divas Incorporated
[email protected]

Events of day two… Versailles and….

By Personal, Workshops5 Comments

It’s morning here, Kimberlee is on skype with her beau (Eric we are supposed to be on a run!) and I am sitting here in the morning light posting the video that we were going to post last night before our eyes started drooping. Yesterday was our first Versailles day, yes we are going back multiple times, it’s just that great. As you’ll see in the video we get a little excited about this place called the best palace in all of Europe. I wish you could all just feel the cold air whipping past your face, the dirt crunching under your shoes as you walk through the gardens trying to comprehend that what you are looking at is not a painting. What I would give to have this place all to ourselves for just one day. Maybe part photo shoot, part freaking out running around playtime. Oh and would pulling up in a horse drawn carriage be too much to ask?

What the…?

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Never in a million years would’ve thought that a freaking volcano would possibly affect our Paris workshop. Seriously, what the heck?! Our fab assistant & Diva ‘go-to girl’ Ashley is stranded at home in San Diego, when she was supposed to arrive this morning in Paris – yikes! We’re hoping she’ll be able to get out on a flight today or tomorrow… crossing our fingers that they’ll start flying out here soon! 🙂
Workshop attendees: the workshop is still ON and we’ll proceed as planned. I know a lot of you are already over here in Europe, but for those of you waiting for a flight coming from the States – if you find that you’re having any problems w/ getting over here please email Ashley to let her know.

And for all of our blog readers out there, if you’re curious about our Paris plans & adventures… it’s Friday morning for us right now, and we’re heading out the door to grab an espresso and crepe Here’s where we’re going today!!!


By Personal7 Comments

Hey everyone!!! Bonjour from beautiful PARIS! It’s morning here for us… Just wanted to let you know that we’ve arrived safely in our favorite city! Our first day was marked with sadness, as M shared from our blog post yesterday; but amidst the sadness we are trying to enjoy this wonderful day. We’re here with our moms, and today we’ll be exploring the city with a bus tour, picnic lunch, and then a river cruise tonight. So exciting! Here’s a little video to show a glimpse of the past 24 hours of traveling and arriving to our flat in Paris! xoxo, Kimberlee