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Need an Imaging USA Expo Pass?

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Kimberlee, Marissa and I (Ashley), have been in Nashville for 3 days now and can’t wait for the conference to begin!  We are also pretty thankful to have everything under one roof at this massive and beautiful hotel, Gaylord Opryland, since it has been snowing pretty much the entire time (and lets face it, us Cali girls aren’t big fans of this cold weather) 🙂

For those of you that still don’t have your Imaging USA pass, or have been considering attending, we have some free passes for you!

Enjoying a little R&R

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(In case you were worried, no my hair is not on fire)


The size of this hotel is straight up riDONKulous and we definitely are enjoying exploring it. Last night us ladies hit up one of the nicer restaurant here at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel, The Hickory Steakhouse. The food was tasty as can be but what really impressed us was the service. These people really know what they are doing and certainly take serious pride in their work. The steakhouse is in the middle of one of this hotel’s huge atriums and is styled after an old plantation home. Those of you here at Imaging should definitely try it out. I wish Weston, Crystal and Deena were all here to enjoy it with us. Miss you guys. -Marissa (and Ash and K)

Come visit the Boudoir Divas at Booth #370

By Inspiration3 Comments

Who is going to Imaging USA? WE ARE! And we will be at Booth #370 each day and would love to see your smiling face. 🙂
We will have most of our products available for sale, including some new products and even our WORKSHOP IN A BOOK will be making an appearance! boudoir_products_photographer2

The Boudoir Divas booth is caddy cornered to Simply Canvas. We look forward to meeting new people and seeing old friends!


Make sure you are following both @BoudoirDivas and @AshleySapp on twitter so you can be updated on our Nashville trip 🙂

The Divas love Totally Rad Actions!

By Personal, Sales & Contests7 Comments

It is no surprise The Boudoir Divas love Totally Rad. They are awesome and have so many fun actions, textures, and filters! We use them ALL the time. Totally Rad was nice enough to allow us to give away their newest product, DIRTY PICTURES, to one of our blog followers! Here is what you have to do: just email us YOUR favorite BOUDOIR PHOTO (taken by you of course) to [email protected]. Next Tuesday, The Boudoir Divas will select our favorite one and you will receive Dirty Pictures! This image texture is so cool and adds great depth and a little roughness to your boudoir pictures! 🙂

If you want to know more about the recipes we used to create this look, make sure you are signed up for our newsletter! Kimberlee is going to show you exactly the steps she took to make this awesome images with Dirty Pictures.

So excited for Imaging USA!!!

By Personal, Workshops2 Comments

Marissa, Ashley, and I are running around today doing last-minute things, packing, and getting ready to leave tomorrow for Nashville & Imaging USA 2010!!! [PS: speaking of packing… my suitcase currently has 9 pairs of shoes, when we’re only going to be in Nashville for SEVEN days… ummmm yeah, I have a problem!] 🙂 Anyway, we are SO incredibly honored that we’ve been asked to speak at this year’s convention, and we can’t wait to meet new friends and hang out with tons of talented photographers! Oh, and we just heard that our bowling team (for the ShootQ bowling tournament) is already booked w/ three photographers who wanted to be on the Diva Team. Not totally sure how we’re going to do in this tournament; I haven’t bowled in a long time (unless Wii bowling counts?) Woohoo! This is going to be a fun trip, I can already tell. 🙂 More details to come soon re: Imaging, our speaking program, our booth at the tradeshow, and a NEW PRODUCT that we’ll be launching during Imaging USA! Be sure you’re signed up for our newsletter list if you want to find out more info and get a free pass to the tradeshow! See you all soon! -K

Where’d all the curvy models go?!

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Did anyone else watch the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show last month? We watched it, and it was definitely very interesting to see the lingerie fashions, and to see VS put on an entertaining show that was very visually dramatic. But the one thing we were sort of disappointed with was the LACK of ‘regular’-sized women walking down the runway! Do you know what the average size standards for ‘high-fashion’ models that modeling agencies are looking for? Height: 5’9″-5’11” … and size 0-2!! Crazy!
We’re ready for ‘regular’ women on the runway. REAL women. Of ALL shapes and sizes. We’re SO incredibly thankful that Glamour Magazine has begun to use more normal-sized women in their mag… remember this shot?
This image is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I know we’ve already blogged about this before, but we wanted to address this issue again, because big things have been happening, thanks to this photograph. Since Glamour published that issue, the gorgeous woman in this photo has become known as ‘the woman on page 194’ — and women around the world have taken notice. In fact, this image caused such a stir that Cindi Leive, the editor of Glamour, has since been interviewed on Access Hollywood, Oprah Radio, and the Today Show! I love this quote from Cindi (taken from “As you’ll read in our November issue, Glamour is committing to featuring a greater range of body types in our pages, including in fashion and beauty stories (traditionally the toughest areas for even the top “plus-size” models to crack).”

Isn’t that AWESOME!? What we want to ask Victoria’s Secret is this: WHEN are you going to feature beautiful, curvy women of all sizes on the runway of your fashion show? It is time. I wish you had used the woman from page 194 for your 2009 VS fashion show… because I think we can all agree that she would… ROCK. IT. 🙂 Thank you, Cindi, and Glamour, for featuring beautiful women of ALL shapes and sizes in the pages of your gorgeous magazine. We love Glamour, and we love what you are doing. xoxo, Kimberlee & Marissa

What should the Boudoir Divas do while in Nashville?!

By Personal2 Comments

The Boudoir Divas are so excited to be visiting Nashville, the “Music City”! We need some ideas on what to see and do on our time off from the Imaging Trade show. There are definitely plenty of parties and events associated with Imaging, such as the Rockin’ Nashville Party on Sunday, January 10th and the Imaging Ole’ Party on Tuesday, January 12th.
But there is sooo much to do, we need some suggestions!
There’s the Country Music Hall of Fame, Jack Daniel’s famous Whiskey Distillery, Robert’s Western World for cheap beer and authentic country music, and many more options. We would love to know of any great places you have been to and recommend!

Make sure you are following both @BoudoirDivas and @AshleySapp on twitter so you can be updated on our where abouts in Nashville! 🙂

The Boudoir Divas are speaking at Imaging!

By Inspiration4 Comments

The Boudoir Divas can’t wait to attend Imaging USA in Nashville from January 10-12, 2010. What’s even more exciting for us is that we get to SPEAK at our very own boudoir educational session! Our program is going to focus on how we were able to replace our Saturday wedding income with a “Pin-Up Party” on Friday. Come learn as we demonstrate a boudoir shoot with a model, showing some favorite poses that are perfect for all body types and discuss some of our favorite and most successful marketing techniques! We hope you will join us!
The Boudoir Divas will be speaking on Monday, January 11th at 9:00am
(P.S. We may have a give-away or two for a few lucky attendees who enter our drawing!)

Procrastinating again…

By Personal4 Comments

Working on a big project again and I can’t help but watch my fav Friends episode on a little DVD player next to me to keep me company. When the most hilarious part ever came on just a few minutes ago I was dying laughing all by myself. I just love the scene when Ross and Rachel are drunk in Vegas. I was crying I was laughing so hard and since there is no one here to show, I thought I would post it for all of you to see. The best moment is when Ross falls and then asks Joey if he is “alright.” Enjoy! – M