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Merry Christmas!!!

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from THE BOUDOIR DIVAS. Just wanted to let you all know that we are all out of the office spending time with family and friends. We will return to the studio officially on the 5th. Crystal will be stopping by the studio on the 29th to check in so if you have any urgent questions call us then!

Those of you who have ordered a POSEBOOK that is on backorder, we are still waiting on them. We are hoping we will have them within the next 10 days.

Warmest wishes clients, friends, photographers, family and everyone else that doesn’t fit into the above categories! xoxoxo- THE BOUDOIR DIVAS

Jolie Wraps introduces the Bridget Album Wrap!

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We just LOVE Jolie Wraps. They have been so good to us and were kind enough to sponsor an album wrap for each attendee at our San Diego workshop in November (which everyone loved!). We saw Jolie Wraps announced this wrap is available for sale on their website now and wanted to give them a big THANK YOU for sponsoring these wraps and to tell everyone they are totally awesome and beautiful! Check them out HERE
Thanks for everything you do Jolie Wraps!


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Kimberlee and I FINALLY finalized our Imaging presentation today. We have put so much work into this and there is just a lot that we want to talk about and we only have an hour and a half 🙁 Narrowing down the content was hard. We decided that we are just going to talk really, really, fast. Lol.  Then I took it upon myself to create good looking post cards in Word to flip through for our outline. WOW. Not only did I realize how terrible I am with that lame program but holy moly! We each have over 100 cards to get through!

During tedious projects I always find myself procrastinating and looking up vintage Parisian photos or artwork. It is like a weird obsession or something. It was something I started doing after Weston and my first trip in 2006.  It was that trip that made me want to do a boudoir workshop there so, so bad.  I still always find myself day dreaming about Paris!!

Now this last one really excites me! Kimberlee and I asked our Mom’s to join us on the trip to Paris in 2010! I am beyond thrilled! My mom will just adore Paris. If she was a movie star, she would be cast in a 1950’s film right in the streets Paris (you need to pronounce it as Pareeeee for the full effect). The city is just so… her! I have given her an assignment before our trip in April, find a dress like this so I can take an epic photo of my gorgeous mother to cherish forever. And show off to everyone of course. Any ideas where she or I can find a dress like this? Short of sewing it myself (which would be a train wreck) I am a little stumped. Ideas?

KISSmas Party behind the scenes with The Boudoir Divas

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KISSmas party 09 was a success, blast, and overall good time. We are so thankful to those who joined us and made the evening so memorable. We thought it would be funny to put together a little “behind the scenes” video of The Boudoir Divas getting the party set up in our San Diego Studio. Leave a comment and share what your favorite part of the night was. Enjoy!

One more time, we have to give a huge shout out to everyone who made KISSmas 09 such a fun evening: KISS Wedding Books, Lounge Appeal, Classic Party Rentals, Mick (Gobo & Lighting) and Julie (Gobo & Lighting), Haydee’s Creative Flowers,

KISSmas Party 2009 | Photos!

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We have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many photos from the KISS Wedding Books KISSmas Party! Don’t think we’ll upload ALL of them here, but they’re over on Facebook, so if you want to see them all, you can go over there. 🙂 Thanks again to everyone who made this party possible… and thank you to everyone who came to hang out & party! We had a blast; hope you all had fun, too! xoxo, The Divas
Thanks again to our sweet friend Brian, who brought his AMAZING car!!!
The ShootQ Dance-Off was off the hook. (Yeah, I just said that). 🙂 Seriously, we had some friggin’ awesome dancers out there.
And the winner is……
Miss Keely Hedges!!!!!!!
But… since Keely’s not a photographer, we gave the ShootQ prize to the runner up, Mr. Timother Tyler! He wins a HUGE prize from ShootQ: 6 months free subscription! (PS, we LOVE ShootQ; we’ve been using this ‘virtual studio receptionist’ for about 3 years now!) So, congrats, Tim!
Marissa & her hubby Weston!
Dancing with the ever-so-sweet Sara France!
A few of the Divas… Crystal, Ashley, Marissa, & Kimberlee
With the KISS guys!

The Boudoir Divas | BIG Thank You!

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As many of you know, the KISSmas party 2009 was held at our San Diego Studio last Friday, December 4th. For those who came, we hope you had as much fun as we did! Of course, we have to give a huge thank you to the KISS guys… but we ALSO wanted to give a shout out to a couple particular people who helped US out to make the evening a success!
This amazing club scene was made possible with:
*The lounge furniture, hot pink carpet & ropes @ the grand entrance:
*Fab candles:
*AmAAAAzing custom lighting (KISS/Boudoir Divas logo): Mick (Gobo & Lighting); Julie (Gobo & Lighting)
*The sick car was provided by our dear friend Brian – we’re hoping he’ll have the car available for weddings and events next year!
*Our makeup (& M’s hair) was done by our fave makeup artist, Miss Peggy Rogers!
*And last but not least… we have to thank our peeps: our fabulous client concierge, Yuliana, for being the hostess of our studio upstairs… and our amazing Diva assistant, Ashley, for helping us arrange all of the details to pull this party off.
Thanks, everyone, for helping us make this party a huge success! More photos of the event coming SOON! 🙂

Teasers from the crazy KISSmas party…

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Here are a few teasers from the KISSmas party held here at our Boudoir Divas Studio. We will be posting waaaay more next week as we have tons of fun photos to share, people to thank, and wacky tales to tell. Thanks again to our Broadie, Brian, for bringing the suite car to the party. His car just might be available for weddings next year as we have been trying to talk him into getting his chauffeur license.


Images by Weston Boucher. kiss_0219






Ms.  Kimberlee West was sweet enough to coerce Weston and me into some romantico shots.  Thanks K Dizzle. I really love these!! kiss_0298