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The Boudoir Workshop | Testimonials

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If you haven’t noticed, we LOVE hearing from our past workshop attendees!!!! Seriously, it is just awesome to see you all becoming so incredibly successful in your boudoir businesses after attending a workshop! Thank you for keeping us updated and letting us know how things are going! This testimonial comes from Rachelle of Elle Boudoir. Thanks for sharing, Rachelle!


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“she’s so big hearted,
but not so remarkable
just an ordinary humble girl
expecting nothing as we’re made to think
its a pretty person’s world
but you are beautiful and you better go show it
go look again, you gotta be true to your own”
-Jason Mraz, “The Beauty in Ugly”

I don’t know why exactly, but I just love these lyrics. I think this song might be from Ugly Betty (?)… just love the focus the lyrics put on finding your beauty from within… to be true to yourself. So empowering for women; I hope that our culture continues to express messages such as these.

We are close to winning but need some help! Do you have a minute?

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So Weston and I are hoping we can get everyone to take a sec to vote for us for “Best Wedding Photographer 2009” before voting closes on September 4th. ABC 10 News puts on the competition for their A-List of businesses throughout San Diego, so if we can win for a 2nd year it’d be a huge blessing for our studio in terms of exposure and recognition ;). If you want to check out our work before you vote please visit

We really appreciate that so many people have taken the time to help 🙂 – Marissa

VOTE NOW ONLY 48 HOURS LEFT!!!: “Bouchér Photography for Best Wedding Photographer 2009”

VOTE NOW: “Bouchér Photography for Best Wedding Photographer 2009”

*Be sure to click on the confirmation email after voting to confirm your vote or it won’t be counted.

We want to thank everyone who made our win possible in 2007, you rock!

Grace Ormonde Boudoir | They created a new category for us!

By Inspiration4 Comments

We are so incredibly excited about this news… We have been featured in Grace Ormonde Wedding Style magazine in their article about boudoir photography! Woo-hoo!! Click the link below to view the online version of Wedding Style. Not only is there an article about our boudoir photography studio – featuring our images – but Grace Ormonde also invited us to be a part of the platinum vendor list! We are proud and honored to say that we are the FIRST-EVER boudoir photographers to be on this list! Yay! Grace even had to create an entirely new category for boudoir… JUST for us!!! [Click here to check it out] Lastly… we have also decided to advertise with Grace Ormonde this year. This is the absolute best gift a bride can give to her groom on the wedding day, and we are hoping to continue spreading the word about boudoir photography. We are still continuing on our mission to BRING BOUDOIR BACK! 🙂
Click here to browse through the online version.

Also see more on Florida Boudoir at Arizona Boudoir, Chicago Boudoir, Texas Boudoir,

Waiting for my prince.

By Personal26 Comments

Hey everyone!
So… I’m going to get really personal right now. My friends & family know that it’s REALLY hard for me to share my feelings, and to be honest, I’ve always envied those people who are able to wear their heart on their sleeve. For some reason, it’s just not that easy for me to open up like that. And then there’s this blog, where Marissa and I are writing to photographers from all over the world, putting ourselves out there and just trying to be connected w/ our blog readers. So take the girl who finds it hard to share her emotions with her FRIENDS… and now I have to share with hundreds of new blog readers who check this blog every DAY? Oh, it’s funny how things work out. 🙂 It’s just not easy for me to put myself out there… BUT, I’ve decided this morning that I do want to get a little personal with you all. (Thanks in part to a nasty comment on a blog – this comment attacked me and said that I’m a ‘man-hater, and that it’s no wonder I’m still single, etc…) I am not letting this comment affect me. If this person knew me personally, they would know that nothing they wrote is true. I know who I am, I am confident in that, and in my opinion, this blog-commenter can just eat it. 😉 Seriously, though, I thought it was about time to open up to all of you faithful blog readers… the ones who know me through this Boudoir Diva blog… I just wanted you to know a little bit more about me and my story.

About three years ago, I was married. The relationship became very unhealthy for me (verbally & emotionally-abusive) within just a few months after we said our vows, and before our first anniversary, he left me. I’m not gonna lie… it was definitely a difficult thing to walk through. I am SO thankful for the people who supported me through that season, to those who walked with me through it… and above all, I am thankful that GOD walked with me through it all. He has been SO good to me. So faithful. Even when my world was crumbling around me, He was my foundation, and the only thing I could cling to. Since then, I have found healing through that situation – and I know now that I am a much stronger person because of it all! Although I wouldn’t wish to go through that pain again, I know that it has shaped and molded me into the person I am today, and for that I will be forever grateful. I have not lost hope in men. I am not bitter or angry; I have truly forgiven, let go, and moved on from that past relationship. I am thankful. I am full of joy. I am content. And I am hopeful. Hopeful that God still has a special someone out there for me!
On that note… if you know of any tall, single, good-looking men out there who love Jesus… hook a sistah up! J/K… sort of. 😉

Wow – talk about a boudoir controversy!

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Last month… we were very surprised to find a really long forum post about us! It was stirring up such a heated discussion… over 150 responses, and over 5,000 views! DWF even decided to talk about it on their blog – check out the blog post here! We’re glad that it’s now all settled down (after we had a chance to respond). Also very thankful to all of you who a) emailed us to let us know about the forum, and b) those of you who withheld judgement until you heard directly from us (you rock!)
PS- We love DWF & think it’s an awesome forum for boudoir photographers to hang out and chat! Go check it out!