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Newsletter going out today with a clip of us demo-ing…..

By Boudoir Tips, Inspiration6 Comments

… our warm-up pose for our boudoir shoots. This pose is always selected for her album and is a great way to loosen up your clients. Meaning, start off with this one while they are still nervous and stiff. It’s gorgeous and a very easy on her.
Are you on our newsletter list??? That’s right, folks… as a way to celebrate the soon-to-launch POSEBOOK VIDEO… we’re about to send out our newsletter with: 1) A big DIVA TIP, 2) the POSEBOOK video clip mentioned above, and 3) an ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Sign up here. But – it’s only available to those of you who are signed up for our newsletters! So, if you’re not on our newsletter list, you’ll want to sign up immediately! πŸ™‚ Hurry – the newsletter is coming within the next hour!

Boudoir featured in PPA magazine!

By Inspiration7 Comments

So exciting! We’re featured in the July issue of Professional Photographer Magazine!!! Thanks, PPA, for featuring us this month… and thank you, Stephanie, for doing a wonderful job on the article! We are SOOO thrilled that boudoir is finally starting to receive the attention it deserves! We’ve worked incredibly hard over the past few years, received a bit of flack in the process, trying to give boudoir a ‘facelift’ and attempting to change the way the industry approaches boudoir – as well as the way the public views boudoir. A few years ago, we couldn’t find ANY resources/workshops/education for boudoir photography… and just when was the last time you saw a boudoir photographer on the speaking line-up for a national photo convention? There wasn’t anything! (Well, until this year at DWF, anyway) πŸ˜‰ We are just so excited that we are able to say: BOUDOIR IS BACK!β„’ And we are also incredibly thankful/honored to be able to lead the industry in bringing boudoir to the masses! (More on that later)… πŸ™‚
PS – now all we need is to get on the speaking line-up for WPPI &/or Imaging USA… Not sure why they haven’t gotten back to us; anyone want to start a petition to bring boudoir to these industry events? Haha, kidding. Sort of. πŸ˜‰

The Boudoir Diva Tourβ„’ 2009:: Dates will be announced this week!

By Inspiration16 Comments

I’m so excited about this! The Boudoir Divas official boudoir photo tour is coming to a city near you very soon! Can’t wait to launch the dates… once we launch them, the photo shoot spots are probably going to book up VERY quickly, so if you’re interested, be sure you sign up fast! πŸ™‚ We’ve received TONS of inquiries from people (photographers and non-photographers alike), asking if we would travel to YOUR CITY to offer a boudoir shoot. So – we’re doin it! We’ll be offering one date in each city (with a very limited number of shoots available on that day!)… and we’ll be bringing boudoir to you! We have FIVE of the cities already lined-up, so that leaves TWO cities that still need to be decided. And how will we decide on those last 2 cities? YOUR VOTES! If you want to have a boudoir shoot in your city, email & put your city in the list that we’ll have everyone vote on! [email protected]

Hey all – Just wanted to confirm that this is a PHOTO tour – so it’s for you to GET a boudoir shoot! (It’s not an EDU tour for workshops/seminar/mentoring). As of right now, the only education opportunity we’ve made available is the PARIS WORKSHOP

SO, if you are interested in learning from the Divas, you can join us in Paris! (Or, of course, you can always purchase one of our books).

IF, however, you want to feel fabulously-gorgeous and have a boudoir shoot that will get you some bad-ass, beautiful images of you (and as a result, make your hubby’s jaw hit the floor), then this boudoir tour is for you! πŸ™‚ Hope this makes sense. Any questions – feel free to leave a comment or email: [email protected] Thanks!!!

More Paris Photos…

By PersonalOne Comment

Kimberlee shot these in Paris. I just looove them! Even if you simply left Paris with a portfolio you could post online and SAY that you photographed boudoir in Paris, it would be worth the money right there. A definite way to stand out to your clients. I want everyone to experience what a great, great thing the Paris workshop is.

That’s her up on the couch shooting. Crazy lady!

If you are considering the Paris workshop, check out the video a couple posts below.

Fav images from my boudoir photography shoot today.

By Personal2 Comments

Laura, thank you for letting me post some of your images. I have way too many favs. “Star 5, star 5, star 5, star 5.” It’s like you almost hope there is a bad one so you don’t star every image. Love it when the client is relaxed, this is the result. The top shot is again with Weston’s wonderful light. I think the umbrella image is one my favorites ever. She looks very mysteriously cool and I am in love with the parasol. -Marissa

The Paris Boudoir Photography Workshop

By WorkshopsNo Comments

Click here to sign up for Paris 2010!

Filmed & Produced by: Joslyn Davis
Other filming by: Weston Boucher
Edited by: Kimberlee West
Production Company: The Boudoir Divas πŸ˜‰

Thanks to all of our fabulous workshop attendees!!! I’m so bummed, but some of our video footage was lost after Paris… πŸ™ … SO – if you’re wondering why your beautiful face isn’t on this video, it’s not because we were excluding you on purpose; it’s simply because we didn’t get all of the videos. Sorry ladies! Thank you to ALL of you Paris 2009 attendees for joining us in the City of Light, and thank you so much for sharing on our videos. Joslyn, thanks again for taking the time to interview everyone in Paris! We can’t wait for the 2010 workshop! PARIS is the only workshop we have scheduled between now and April 2010, so if you’ve been thinking about coming to a workshop, you should definitely go sign up; it’s going to be so much fun. See you all in Paris!

Totally random.

By PersonalOne Comment

So… I’m going through all of my Paris/Europe photos (yes, yes, FINALLY)… and I came across this random scene from Paris. We were meeting w/ all of our workshop attendees 1-on-1 at this cute little cafe on the streets outside of the Diva flat, and when I glanced up I just started cracking up when I saw this randomness. I couldn’t help but interrupt our little chat so that I could snap a photo of this. I have no idea what’s going on in this scene, but it still makes me smile. πŸ™‚ Hope you’re all having a happy Wednesday!
On another note… Marissa & I are bouncing off the walls today after hearing something extremely exciting. Can’t wait to share with you all!!!!!!!!!!!

A seriously sexy boudoir lighting set up

By Boudoir Photo Shoots5 Comments


I have been gabbing and gabbing about this hot new light that Weston made and surprised me with while Kimberlee n’ I were speaking in Chicago. I just did a shoot with it last week and I was able to use my light like crazy. I loooove it. I think it give such a “fashion” vibe while still providing the flattering soft light that is needed for boudoir photography. This is Tina, a FULL PHOTO SHOOT client that was kind enough to show off her beautiful face.


A few more images from the session….


See a few more images at the San Diego Studio’s boudoir blog.

Tina is getting married soon and will be giving this gift to her fiance. She drove all the way down from LA for her boudoir photography shoot.
What do you think ladies? Is he gonna love it or what? Tina, you have to tell us what he says!

Reminder about sales conditions @ The Boudoir Shop

By InspirationOne Comment

Hey everyone! Just wanted to share a quick reminder about The Boudoir Shopβ„’ Terms & Conditions. As a reminder, we are not able to sell our products to any photographer residing within Socal!!! restricted-sales-area
Also, if you have purchased any of our templates (album templates, ad templates, marketing templates, etc), we wanted to remind you about the usage rights to the designs you find on those templates. Those templates are to be used only on your materials that you are selling to your clients. We’ve seen our designs pop up in interesting places (ie, t-shirts and rub-on tattoos for your clients). Great ideas, but please use your own designs for those, not the designs that you have found in our album templates. Also, you may not use our design elements for your logo or branding your company in any way. Thank you for understanding! All of these items are described in detail in our Terms & Conditions page], which you MUST agree to before making a purchase. Therefore, please do read them in detail before making a purchase on The Boudoir Shop!β„’ Thank you!