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Boudoir Divas speaking at WPPI

Wow… we have the greatest job in the world. Not only do we have wonderful clients (over 400 boudoir shoots per year w/ women who come to see us from all over the country)… and not only do we work with the most AMAZING women (fabulous staff, Crystal, Deena, Ashley, & newest addition Danielle!)… but on top of all of this, we ALSO have the opportunity to travel and meet some bad-ass photographers from around the WORLD.

Most recently, we’ve had the chance to lead a speaking program with WPPI’s Road Trip 2010, in Irvine last week, and in Dallas TX yesterday! We met SO many new friends, and we just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who came to hear us speak. It is truly an honor to be able to share with all of you about boudoir… something we are so incredibly passionate about. Way back in 2007 when we launched our “Bringing Boudoir Back” campaign, it took a long time for photography organizations to realize that boudoir really WAS about to make a comeback! A handful of forward-thinking photography organizations did agree to let us come and share our vision for what boudoir could become, and in the past 3.5 years, we’ve seen boudoir just EXPLODE as more and more people in the industry are starting to see the potential that is in this niche. We are so excited about where things have come, and we just can’t WAIT to see where this is going to go next!

To all of you who believed in us (and who believed in boudoir) way back in 2006-07… THANK YOU. Seriously, thank you for listening to these couple of crazy gals who believed that boudoir would become the next big thing. Thank you for coming to our workshops, thank you for purchasing our books, thank you for traveling to hear us blab on and on about this topic that we are so passionate about. I know, I know… this is starting to sound like a lame ‘acceptance speech’ at the Emmy’s or something. Whatever. We just want you to know that we wouldn’t be where we are today without all of you who have supported us and helped us and believed in us along the way. And… you never know… maybe someday we’ll also have the chance to lead a platform presentation at WPPI Vegas (fingers crossed!) 😉 Thanks again, WPPI, for inviting us on the Road Trip. We had an amazing time, and we’re honored to be counted among so many industry leaders who have done so much for others.

Here are a few photos from our presentation at the Irvine stop on the Road Trip
In this first shot, we are showing where the business started out (in Marissa’s TINY one-car garage!) A lot of people don’t know this, but Marissa actually came up with the business plan for the Boudoir Divas WAAAAY back in 2001, right after she graduated from high school!

This next image shows our Mission Statement on the screen. This is something that is INCREDIBLY important to us. We encourage all of you to sit down and write out your own mission statement – something that is personal and unique to you and your business – something that reminds you WHY you do what you do.

Thanks to everyone who came to hear us speak! PS… to those of you at the Irvine show… we realize that we had to cut out the ‘MARKETING’ portion of our presentation (that’s what happens when Becker talks too long and we start 20 minutes late!) 😉 just kidding Becker, you know we love you! Ok, but to those of you who were at that show – we WILL be sending you that marketing section. Actually, maybe we’ll send it to EVERYONE on our mailing list! If you’re not on that list, CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP RIGHT NOW!

One more thing (as if this blog post wasn’t long enough already)… we are THINKING about possibly recording our speaking presentation and having it available for download for FREE on our website. A lot of people have heard us give this presentation this year, but as 2010 is coming to a close, we already have new plans for a NEW speaking program (just in case we get invited to speak in Vegas)… 😉 … So anyway, if you’d be interested in having our 2010 speaking program available to view for free, leave a comment below. If there’s enough demand, we’ll make it happen! Thanks everyone!
xoxo, Kimberlee


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