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Our mission statement is so incredibly important to our business. This was the foundation of WHY we started the Boudoir Divas. It is still important to us today. We first posted a blog post about our Mission Statement way back in 2007, on our old boudoir blog

And since our mission statement is STILL just as important to us today, we wanted to post it again, in case you haven’t heard it:

“Our God grants us beauty and love everyday. He empowers us with His divine spirit.He gives us power and wisdom to create a life that will benefit those around us and those he asks us to help and give to abundantly. He gives us the resources and creativity to create a classy and romantic piece of art that ignites confidence and excitement in a bride or wife and re-enforces beauty in a woman and romance in a couple. With praise and deep gratitude we thank God everyday for the blessings He gives to us. We have nothing to fear because Christ Jesus sustains us.” -THE BOUDOIR DIVAS

To all of our photographer friends… we have been teaching boudoir workshops and speaking at photography conventions for over four years now, and at each and every workshop/speaking presentation, we always tell our attendees that they NEED to create their own mission statement. It’s so important for you to let your clients know exactly WHY you do what you do. What is the passion that is driving you and your business? Why do you get up each day and drive to your office or studio, or ‘coffee shop office’ or home office in your garage… what gets you going? Why are you shooting boudoir? Let your clients know! We can’t tell you HOW many times we’ve heard our clients tell us that they booked their shoot with us, simply because or our mission statement!

But your mission statement is way more than just something for your clients. It is something that will inspire YOU on days when you’re feeling down, or feeling burned out. To this day, we still have our mission statement printed and hanging in a frame in our office. If we’re having a tough day, all we have to do is look at our mission statement, and we are reminded of WHY we are doing this.

Our encouragement to all boudoir photographers out there: go find a place where you can be quiet… sit down today with a journal and pen… and write out what makes your heart happy when you think about your business. In ten years from now, when you look back at your life and your business, what do you want your motives to be? Write out all of your thoughts, brainstorm, and then once you have tons of ideas listed out, you can start to create a succinct, clear mission statement that reflects you and your business. Have fun! xoxo, K & M


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