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Nothing spells out our journey as much as this lovable video playlist

Growing up I was OBSESSED with Disney movies. I know all young girls are, but are they so obsessed that the sound of each epic Disney song can tell them exactly what stage they were at with their own “Walt Disney-inspired dream”? Maybe. I know I sure can! This morning I was feeling very grateful for all that has transpired in the past few years, thinking about how in some ways it truly was Walt Disney that taught me all about “dreaming,” and I think the best way to sum up and celebrate the journey is by sharing our timeline/progress through this series of videos. Hope they make you smile as much they do me.

1. A dream emerges It all starts with that wish your heart makes.  And as a child this song gave me permission to dream big. And although we didn’t have little mice friends to help us out along the way, we DID have an amazing team pushing us forward with this dream. We can’t talk about our dreams and our timeline without mentioning the pivotal people who have been a part of the Diva family through the past eight years. We are so thankful for each and every one of you!

2. Getting to work. Although not always whistling, I did often play this song to remind myself that rolling up your sleeves and working very hard can be an enjoyable thing. It’s all about the attitude right? I actually did listen to this song multiple times when I was getting a little pooped.

3. Almost there!
“Getting closer and closer every day and I am almost there, trials and tribulations I have had my share, ain’t nothing gonna stop me now, cuz I am almost there. You gotta make it happen, it all depends on you” – Princess Tiana.  When I heard this song the first time, I knew it was just what I needed. We were going through some changes and I could see how things NEEDED to be, but I knew it was going to take a lot more tweaking to get there. So we rolled up our  sleeves and made shtuff happen!

4. In awe with gratitude and satisfaction. In so many ways I feel like this is a gratitude hymn or some sweet melody to God. In the past few years this journey has really been a spiritual transformation for myself, and I might be a able to speak for K in saying that is has been for her, too. It wasn’t about getting what we wanted (because I assure you sometimes we didn’t), but more about seeing how God is in control and is always there for you even in the small things, and definitely in the big things. I know K and I are on to new chapters of God’s plan for our lives, and as we discover what this looks like, I know we both really feel as though he has shaped us for new adventures. Yes we are still and always will be photographers and business owners, partners & BFFs, and we will always be working toward our goals and dreams for the Boudoir Divas and bringing boudoir to the masses. But along with all of that, I think we will now  ALSO be able to put our focus more on HIS bigger picture. Because we have been able to reach and realize so many of our original dreams for The Boudoir Divas, we are at a place where we have found more freedom – and that freedom is allowing us to dream in new ways. So now, we are thrilled about re-launching “Boudoir Photographers Unite” – and we are also on quite a roll of documenting and helping the marketing aspects of a few different non-profit organizations – which makes our hearts feel alive. We can say we see His plan for us – and we are so grateful. I don’t think I can watch this next video without crying every single time.

We would absolutely LOVE to hear what Disney songs, or just songs in general inspire you. To leave a comment you actually need to click on the blog post header to get you into the post page. It would make my day to hear what songs move you. 🙂 – Marissa


  • Romonia Isaac says:

    I absolutely love this post and the way you used the songs/videos to convey your words. I am lucky enough to say that I have seen you guys flourish in your business an personal lives over these past years and I know that you & K will only continue to do so. He walks with us daily through our trials and tribulations, and with our continued faith he blesses us when we least expect it. You guys have shown me the power of perseverance, setting goals and making them happen. When things get low for me my favorite song actually comes from a Pixar film, Finding Nemo. I hear Ellen/Dora’s voice in my head, “Just keep swimming…” as far as Disney movie songs that inspire and uplift me, “Hakuna Mattata” the Swahilli saying for “No Worries” is definitely one and I have always been drawn to Grandmother Willow’s score in Pochantes. Listen with your heart and you will understand. When it comes to love–“Kiss the Girl” and Sebastian’s voice immediately pop into my head. My all time favorite Disney movie is indeed The Little Mermaid! Thank you for continuing to inspire, being inspired and being you! XoRo

  • Michele Hans says:

    I love Disney movie songs…. “a dream is a wish…” is one of my favorites! So beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  • Marissa and Kimee

    For me I have two very powerful songs that bring tears to my eyes EACH and EVERY TIME I hear or sing them.

    I have spoken with you both a few times about when I was starting out, Kimee I know for sure I did with you on skype, that I was basically told that my dream for this was a sin and that God would be see me as such. At that same time I was being led by God to “Take that first step, into the unknown” and I would pray and cry and not know what to do and one day when I was begging for direction this song came on by Brit Nicole “Walk on Water” and as I was thinking to myself, Ooh I like this beat, I actually started hearing the words basically pulling me, and almost had to pull over on the side of the road I was so hysterical. From that moment on, I have pictured myself standing on a cliff with my arms wide open looking up and stepping off and not being afraid, and I continue EACH time I am afraid to push ahead or take a step that I am not totally sure of. Then this year, Brit came out with another song that rings into my heart “Ready or Not” and its about taking her light and hiding it in a box. I felt like so many of my friends were asking me to do that, to not stand out with this amazing plan, but this year, about 2 years after I was shunned by my Christian friends, I had a Christian mom and wife seek me out to have a session. She was so blown away by the feeling and me and my business that I had a moment of “all the no’s and negatives don’t meant anything if I stay true to Him and what he has planned for me to show women” and it was just AMAZINGGGG.

    Anyway, tears streaming from my face now, but those songs always lift me up and help me get through anything!


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