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“Other” boudoir workshops…

By October 21, 2008Workshops

Someone just brought it to our attention that there is another photographer who is now starting to offer boudoir workshops, apparently because (as this photographer claims), there just wasn’t anything else out there available.  Hmmm… really?  Unfortunately this photographer is lacking a little in the originality department, as her workshop curriculum is exactly the same as ours.  We were shocked to find that her workshop itinerary is practically copied from our itinerary, almost word-for-word!  Oh well, what can ya do?  🙂  At least we all know that ours is the FIRST boudoir workshop out there.  And, hey, imitation is the highest form of flattery, right?  🙂  Our next workshop dates & details will be arriving soon via our newsletter… so if you’re interested in joining us, be sure you’re on our mailing list!  Our Paris workshop sold out SO stinkin’ fast, and we have a feeling that these next workshops will also sell out pretty quickly.  CLICK HERE to sign up for our newsletter list.  We’re so excited to meet all of you at our upcoming workshops!!!

Edit to add: The above post was written hastily, and it does come across as misleading… so to clarify, the only thing that concerned us was the specific wording of the curriculum, which simply seemed copied and pasted.  That’s all.  🙂  Sorry that my frustration came across in the way it did!  We don’t want to come across as if we are know-it-alls who are the originators of the boudoir workshop.  This is certainly not the case, as there have been other talented photographers leading workshops before us.  

We are SO excited that the face of boudoir is starting to change, and we are SO thrilled that we are able to be a part of this new ‘facelift’ for boudoir.  Boudoir been around for a long time, of course, but it’s finally losing a lot of the negative connotations that have been around for a while… and we’re just excited to see where it’s headed!

To any photographer who is also teaching and sharing their own perspective on this topic… That’s AWESOME!  We each bring something a little different to the industry, and we really do love the fact that we’re all able to share our own individual perspectives on boudoir.

We are truly very thankful that we have been given the opportunity and this platform to speak and share our perspective and knowledge about boudoir.  It is something that we love.  We are passionate about making women feel gorgeous, and that’s really what it comes down to.  🙂   

xoxo, Kimberlee & Marissa 


  • Danielle says:

    lol… no way. That’s ridiculous! Well, skeezy is the word that really fits actually. Yeah. Sad and skeezy.

  • Val says:

    In SD too? I don’t think it’s wrong of her to offer workshops, but it is definately wrong for her to rip off your curriculum. WOW!

  • Divas says:

    nope, not in SD, i think it’s in the midwest somewhere? totally ok for her to offer boudoir workshops – it’s definitely time for boudoir education to be available for photographers, and we always knew we wouldn’t be the only ones. we’re just glad we were the first. 😉 oh, and we certainly don’t want to make accusations; perhaps she just happened to come up with the exact same game plan and daily itinerary, without seeing our website and our workshop itinerary. who knows, maybe just a coincidence?

  • Lynette says:

    Hi There,

    After I ready your post, I just googled, Boudoir workshops and The Divas came up first and 2 down i saw another one and went to check it out. There is no comparison. One day if you guys are ever near Texas, I may have to join one of your workshops..

    Keep up the great work:)

  • Divas says:

    thanks lynette. 🙂 we are ok with competition from other photographers who want to teach about boudoir… it just makes us work even harder to stay at the forefront of the industry with new sets, posing, lighting techniques, etc. Will we see you at the Dallas meeting next month?

  • I have admired your work and seen you grow, but I am confused when you say that you are the FIRST to offer boudoir workshops as those have been happening for years… And for you to say that she (whoever she may be) copied your workshop plan and that the curriculum is the same as yours seems silly because it seems to me that any workshop that was going to cover such a topic would most likely have all the same basics: marketing strategies, working with the models (aka: hands on experience and portfolio building opportunity) how to come up with posing ideas (again those can all be found in books as well as hands on experience) as well as working with your camera and lighting senerios. For you to say that you were the first and that she copied you makes it seem like there is nothing unique to what YOU are offering. And if she did “copy” you – well, darn it – there isn’t much you can say about that unless of course she is making photocopies of your book and passing them out at her workshop. It is kinda like you are all reinventing the wheel… boudoir has been around for a long time and it is finally making a come back. Everyone of us has a new twist and different ideas. I appreciate efforts like the Boudoir Divas putting together a collection of your ideas into a book, but it is important to remember that you are not the only ones who have been doing this, and you are not the first. You Divas are all very talented and have some fortunate luck in terms of Marketing, but my guess is that if it weren’t for companies like Blu having you on your new clients launched section that many of us would have never heard of you and would have continued in the same direction we were and some of us would have been offering workshops too. There is a chance that you wouldn’t have so quickly grown to the place you are today if it weren’t for other photogs out here supporting you through your time of growth. Your work & Marketing speak for itself – you don’t need to criticize and put down others to make yourselves feel better – that is so high school.

  • Divas says:

    hey puzzled reader,
    thanks for your feedback! please read our edited post for our response…

  • Danielle says:

    Hey puzzled reader… I think what the girls are referring to is their extremely detailed timeline and wording. I’ve seen dozens of other site offering workshops however their wording is very short and to the point. So someone didn’t just work-up a similar timeline, they essentially copied the personalities of these wonderful women. Who in my experience have always been nothing but EXTREMELY humble. There was nothing about that post that was high-school and I have to admit, if I found out someone was stealing my words and thereby my company’s personality, I wouldn’t go High School on them, I’d go POSTAL on them! I think they have every right to bring up the fallacies in that the other person stated ‘there’s nothing else available like this’ etc. What these women have done for Boudoir is worlds ahead of what anyone else has done thus-far, that I know of anyway. No, they’re not the first ones to bring the Boudoir Bar up a few notches, however they are absolutely the most prevalent and they’ve pioneered a major overhaul of the concept. Without a doubt, the front-runners in the Boudoir Workshop arena. If you knew about the industry, you’d know about these girls and you’d know they are nothing but positive, helpful, creative and truly giving. They are silly & goofy, intelligent and creative. But what they aren’t is petty.

  • Lynette says:


    I have been waiting for months to hear you speak at our Guild. That is how I learned about you guys. Can’t wait…

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