It has been a year in the making, and we have enjoyed every second of designing this baby. Well no that’s a lie, not every second. Like when my fabulous PC would crash over and over, no I didn’t love those moments. But I DID love getting to the program Showit. I found that anything I dreamed of doing on my website… I could do! Thank you Showit. So, next Friday please tune into this blog to be a part of our official launch.
Oh and I am sure you wondering why we (meaning myself and the rest of the staff, sly little Kimberlee sits all tall working on her Mac) still have PCs as pro photographers. I know, I know, say your little jokes, I have heard all the snickers 🙂 Well, when we started the biz we needed 5 computer stations, so Apple just was not happening in the budget department. But I am getting ready to throw my PC laptop out the window. Apple rescue me!!!! – M
We want Apple, we want Apple! 🙂